I'll attempt to write down some random thoughts, ideas, questions, things I've overheard and even attempt to be funny. Hopefully I'll be able to do this daily. I'll try to do stream-of-consciousness writing with little editing. -- We gave Peter (age 4) a new clock for his room. The first day didn't go perfectly well, as he came slinking down stairs at 6:49. He isn't supposed to get up until 7:00. We asked him why he came down before 7:00, and he said, "There was a 7! 74:6!" He was reading it backwards, and he thought as long as there was a 7 somewhere in the sequence, he was good! Last night, I asked him about his clock and if he liked it. He said, "Yeah, I like looking at it. But I wish I didn't have to look at it. Because I have it I have to stay in bed until 7:00!" He was expressing something that we all know so well - awareness of rules or laws now means you have to make a choice. Do you follow them or do you break th...