A prayer for unity
I wrote the following prayer and delivered it at our church on January 20, 2019. Nothing breaks my heart like our constant reinforcement that one life is greater than another. We do it silently and complacently. This prayer wasn't necessarily directed at anyone but me. In the middle part, where I talk about how we "turn our backs" on truth, I really use examples from my own life and nobody else's. -Adam -- Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday and tomorrow we memorialize Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday. Please join me in a special prayer as we reflect on these two days. God, you treasure all human life. Each and every person that has come after the first man and woman was quietly knit together, thread by thread, the exact same way in their mother’s womb. As we trace your thoughtful design of human life, we realize that we all have the same origins – the same story of our beginning. Because of you, something we all share is that we ...