These are your words
This video is a slideshow of actual quotes we have received from you, our friends and our family. This slideshow was played during Simon's Celebration of Life as John Brewer and the worship band played "Below My Feet" live. These are your words (quotes from Simon's friends) from Adam and Amy Balentine on Vimeo . Over the last 10 months, we have been the recipients of some amazing words from family, friends and complete strangers. You have been vulnerable. You have decided to shed a piece of your old self and become something new. You have opened yourself up to feel our pain, but also our hope and our joy. Expressing this to us - taking the time to write or speak the words you have expressed - lifts up some of the weight of depression, death and emptiness we've felt (and continue to feel). We've been equipped to support and build up the body of followers of Christ. We've been given the same words - the same education as the ...