At first glance, hope seems like a fairly basic concept that most of us don’t struggle to comprehend. But when we look closely, the term hope, like love , has a wide range of uses. For instance, one can make the claim that they love French Fries one moment and then explain how they love their mom with a mouthful of said French Fries in the next moment! Not many people would question if the person truly understood the concept of love or if their feeling were genuine despite the difference in the object of their love. Similarly, we can hope that our favorite restaurant won't have a long wait for a table, and we can also hope that an infant child survives chemo treatments. We can hope it doesn't rain on our wedding day, and we can also hope that our jobs survive the next round of layoffs. We hope for basic, fundamental elements of life to play out in our favor. We also hope for something absurdly far-fetched to come true. We toss around hope like it is mag