Simon's Home
Today, we lock up the house where Simon lived for the last time. I knew this day would come and it would be really tough. We bought this home the day Teddy was born - literally signed the paper work in the hospital. We lived so much life in this home. And God taught us so much. The true meaning of life and how to live a life well and whole was defined here. Our lives and hearts transformed inside these walls. Simon lived all of his days here and this is probably the hardest reason to turn the key for the last time. The Holy Spirit gently whispers to me and reminds me that Simon reigns in Glory not inside this home - but I have to say I feel Simon each time the sun washes through the windows of our living room. The Lord reminds me the arms that held Simon in life and death go with me - both mine and Adam's. The list of big events in this home come easily to mind. We brought three new lives ...