New Baby 2022


I will be 39 weeks tomorrow with new baby and we couldn't be more thrilled to welcome this new life.  After having two 5 week miscarriages in 2020, we assumed the growth of our family was complete.  In 2021, we gave away most of our baby items.  The week of Thanksgiving 2021, I was putting away some dining chairs in the basement after a party and missed the last step of the stairs and fell, resulting in a broken foot that needed surgery.  It's funny how the Lord uses all for His good.  We've seen him do this time and time again in our lives and everyone else's too.  Without breaking my foot, I know baby would not be here.  

God has a good sense of humor.  I checked into my foot surgery and told the surgeon I prefer going to hospitals and leaving with a baby so if he could help me out with that I would appreciate it.  The surgeon didn't think my joke was funny.  The surgery team had me take a pregnancy test before they operated and I told them it was pointless to take it as it was negative.  Turns out it was too early to turn a pregnancy test positive. Baby's new life and the surgery were happening simultaneously.  

A week after the surgery and off the pain meds, I was crawling up the stairs and realized I was fairly light headed.  It dawned on me - I was familiar with this feeling.  I texted a good friend who is also a neighbor and asked if she happened to be going to Target that day.  She was and I asked her to get a pregnancy test.  I took the test and couldn't believe I was pregnant with a broken foot.  I told Adam and we both laughed at how hysterical the timing was.  

Given that we have four babies in heaven and four on earth, we take pregnancies day-by-day.  Hoping they result in breathing life but knowing it is not a guarantee.  When you have a 50/50 ratio, you guard your heart fiercely.  Having this many pregnancies and souls we include in our story, it makes giving this baby a number slightly confusing.  We've firmly rested on baby #5 since we have had four babies breathe and truly hope this newest one makes loud cries in the sacred delivery room.  We have prayed for typical chromosomes and to leave the hospital with this new soul.  

It has been a joy to watch our kids walk through this pregnancy with us.  Teddy, Peter and Goldie couldn't be more excited to meet their new sibling - the boys think it's a boy and Goldie thinks it's a girl.  Adam and I have no idea.  We do know we are thankful to be entrusted with a new and final life for our family and feel completely undeserving.  

Please pray for our family as we prepare to meet baby.  Please pray for a safe delivery room, for the doctor and nurses, for a baby with typical chromosomes, a breathing baby and loud cries.  Please pray for our kids as they adjust to a new family member and sharing mom and dad's attention.  Please pray for this child to be another knot bonding Adam and I even closer in our marriage.  Pray this baby's life will be used as a bright light for Christ.  

With love,


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